In case you haven't heard ENVIRO-ZYME International now offers some of our products on eBay! Thousands of people buy and sell products every day on eBay and now ENVIRO-ZYME does too. You may notice a slight increase in price on eBay when compared to our website but it's because we offer FREE shipping which is a big plus for most shoppers. People are drawn to eBay when searching for products online not just because of low prices but also there is the added seller ratings and reviews so you can be assured your buying quality product from a reputable dealer. We currently have 100% seller rating and NO bad reviews. The only thing holding us up from the Top Rated Seller award is the amount of sales we get in the allotted time span. If we could just boost our sales a little higher we would be reaching the mark. No complaints here though, all of our customers are great! We have had several repeat buyers and I am sure in no time at all we will make our mark. By joining this outstanding online community I know we have started reaching an audience that didn't even know we were out there in the past. Hopefully once our customers see what great products we have they will visit the website to see our complete line of house hold and commercial products. If you would like to check us out on eBay just follow the link below to see what we have to offer!!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Drain & Waterless Urinal Treatment
Waterless Urinal: "EZ UL+" is a safe, biodegradable additive for waterless urinals. Since "EZ UL+" has a specific gravity is lighter than that of water and urine, it is able to stay in the urinal for an extended period of time during usage. A very small amount is washed away with each use. If the urinal goes unused, "EZ UL+" is able to stay in the trap indefinitely, sealing the odor inside. "EZ UL+" is unique in that it does not freeze above -70°F. This can reduce the consumer's annual fee of urinal winterization, saving not only money, but time as well.
Drain Treatment: "EZ UL+" is ideal to block malodors in drains and has a fresh cherry scent. The product works much in the same way as in urinals. By floating above the waste and organics "EZ UL+" prevents odors from passing and leaving the drain. A light, fresh cherry scent is all that remains. "EZ UL+" is ideal for a variety of drains in summer/vacation homes, motor homes, and even drains in your basement that may accumulate stale or foul odors due to the lack of use. "EZ UL+" reduces maintenance time and costs and is environmentally friendly. Since "EZ UL+" is oil based it will not freeze above -70ºF and it wont evaporate at 100ºF.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Happy Holidays From ENVIRO-ZYME International!!
ENVIRO-ZYME just wants to wish you and yours a safe and happy Holiday Season!
A great New Years Resolution may be to eliminate the use of chemical cleaners in your households. ENVIRO-ZYME has a full line of products that can replace the chemical cleaners used in most households today. ENVIRO-ZYME even has air fresheners that work on even the stinkiest odors! Visit us online at to check out our complete line of residential, commercial, municipal and janitorial products TODAY!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Does Your Household Have Odors?
Many homes are plagued by malodors in a variety of locations including mud rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. Luckily ENVIRO-ZYME has the perfect solution..our "GB2+"! The "GB2+" is a specially formulated gel-block that adsorbs odors and leaves a light fragrance in their place. "GB2+" can adsorb even the toughest odors, thanks to it's activated carbon. Any thing from smelly baby diapers to paints, solvents, and even the dreaded "locker room odor" that can coexist where ever sports apparel is stored! Simply open the container, peel back the paper disk, replace cap, open flip top lid and place container in affected area. Within the next few days you will notice a significant drop in odors. If you feel the block isn't strong enough remove cap, place on flat surface and upturn container holding gel-block so that the block slides out on to the lid. This will give you maximum exposure and may be necessary for extreme odors. "GB2+" contains no harsh solvents or chemicals. When used as directed "GB2+" is safe for humans, animals, ozone & environment.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Are You Experiancing Trouble With Your Septic Tank?
Septic Tank trouble can come in a variety of forms but the most common is Septic Tank back-ups. If you have ever experienced this you know what a horrible mess it can make, not to mention the unsanitary factor! Septic Tank back-ups happen mostly because of the lack of Septic Tank knowledge i.e. how the system works & what can and cannot be flushed or washed down the drain.
How Does A Septic Tank Work?
What Types Of Things Should You Not Wash Down Or Flush?
Some stuff can clog up your tank because it cannot decompose in the septic system. These things consist of paper towels, sanitary napkins, tampons, cigarette butts, hair, cotton balls, diapers, dental floss, and cotton swabs. This is not a complete list, lots of people flush lots of things down the toilet they shouldn't but these seem to be the most common. Now to the sink, the number 1 thing you should never rinse down the sink is GREASE! People often think "it's liquid and I'm done with it, I'll just pour it down the drain." but please for the sake of your septic don't!! A good way to dispose of grease is to keep a jar under the sink and pour the grease in it when it's cool. Then when your jar is full you can either throw it in the trash or find a recycling center close to you that excepts used grease. There are many places that accept grease and make various kinds of fuel from it. Also if your washer is hooked into your septic system don't use bleach & ammonia's in your laundry and if you have to please keep it minimal. These chemicals destroy the bacteria like nothing else and soon you will find you have an overloaded system which can lead to back-ups and excessive pump outs.
Is There Some Kind of Additive That Will Help Keep My Bacteria In Healthy Population?
Yes, as a matter of fact there is! You can purchase a wide variety of Septic Tank additives online and at the store. We of course recommend R+, it's so simple and easy to use. Simply toss 1 pre-measured pouch in you toilet every month and it will boost the bacterial colonies in your Septic instantly! Each pouch contains 3 billion microorganisms that start digesting waste on contact and whole year supply costs less than $60! A small price to pay to keep your system running clean and odor free.
Do your Septic a favor and be kind to it. With proper maintenance and care your Septic System will last a very long time.
*Interested in purchasing some additives from us? Click the link and see what we have to offer!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Restaurant Maintenance Products
If you own or operate a restaurant then you know there are many things to think about when it comes to restaurant maintenance. ENVIRO-ZYME International provides a variety of all natural products to aide in the every day cleaning and maintenance of your facility. Our products contain no chemicals, harmful vapors, caustic residues, or toxic ingredients just naturally occurring, enzyme producing bacteria, that digest & degrade grease & organic waste naturally! We provide everything from air fresheners & reduced slip floor cleaners to grease trap treatment blocks that all but eliminate the need for pumping! All of our products can be purchased directly on our website at so come check us out today.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Check Our Our Pet Stain Remover Today!
We love our pets but sometimes accidents happen and all we can really do is teach them and clean up the mess, which isn't always easy! Thanks to "PET+" cleaning up the mess just got a whole lot easier! That's because "PET+" is made from all natural bacteria that "activate" when sprayed on the stain. These good bacteria seek out and digest the pet waste naturally without leaving any harmful residues. For stronger stains spray "PET+" on the affected area and scrub with a bristle brush then wipe with a damp cloth."PET+" is so powerful it can even remove old set in stains when used in conjunction with carpet and steam cleaners. Instead of using soap put in "PET+" and watch as your old carpet stains and odor disappear!! Since "PET+" is made from bacteria it is non-toxic, chemical free, & emits no harmful vapors. Don't wait any longer!! Try "PET+" TODAY!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Looking for the right Septic Maintenance Product? LOOK NO MORE!
“R+” natural septic tank treatment in a powder form increases the capacity of overloaded septic systems, reduces grease problems, scum blankets and offensive odors. It digests sewage wastes and solids keeping leach field lines open, improving percolation. “R+” replenishes the bacterial enzyme activity needed in subsurface systems, septic systems and cesspools that household cleaners, germicides and bleaches destroy.“R+” is non-toxic, non-flammable, biodegradable, non-corrosive and non-volatile. "R+" is easy to use! Simply toss one pre-mesured pouch in your toilet every month and flush! Check out the video below and see how it works!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Understanding your Septic System
If you are like most people, you know very little about your septic system. This is understandable. In urban and suburban areas there are sewers to carry household waste to municipal wastewater treatment plants. In more rural areas, however, septic tank systems provide the functions of both sewers and treatment plants. Webster’s Dictionary defines the septic tank as “a tank in which waste matter is decomposed through bacterial action”. If you could look inside your septic tank, you would find three layers. The top layer is the “Scum” layer where organic material floats to the surface. Bacteria in the septic tank biologically convert this material to a liquid. The middle layer is the “Effluent” layer where mostly clear water will be found. This clear water is the only layer that should enter your absorption area. The bottom layer is the “Sludge” layer. This layer is where the inorganic or inert solid materials and the by-products of bacterial digestion sink to. All household waste is disposed of through the septic system. The proper operation of the septic is essential to health, property value, and the ecology. A small commitment to the care of your septic system will protect you from the nightmare created by a failing system.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Bacteria V.S. Enzymes!
The Lowdown on Enzymes:
Stage 1 : An enzymatic cleaner entering your pipes...
...They find the food source and start their degradation.
Stage 2 : Initial waste degradation is successful......
....But after a while the enzymes themselves start breaking down!
Stage 3 : Enzymes are almost completely gone.....
....More products must be added to keep build up down. Soon all the enzymes will be gone!What is so Special About Bacteria?:
Stage 1 : A enzyme producing bacterial cleaner entering your pipes...
.....The bacteria find the food source and start producing the necessary enzymes to help break it down.
Stage 2 : Environmental conditions are favorable for growth....
....The bacteria start growing & reproducing to efficiently digest the waste.
Stage 3: Waste is degraded and bacterial colonies start to form...
..."biofilm" begins to form on pipe walls to help guard any future organic build up.
So What Does ENVIRO-ZYME Use?:
Enzymes VS. Bacteria...and The Winner is...BOTH
Enzymes are lifeless proteins that act as a catalyst for biochemical reactions. When added to cleaning products, enzymes will speed up the degradation of organic wastes. The downside of using a cleaner with only enzymes is that, since they are non-living, they cannot adapt to new or changing environments. Additionally they can not reproduce or repair themselves, making them very fragile. Enzymes are also easily damaged by an extreme pH, temperature change, chemicals coming into contact with them, or even other ENZYMES! Since their number will dwindle over time, this means more maintenance and buying more products.
Stage 1 : An enzymatic cleaner entering your pipes...
Stage 2 : Initial waste degradation is successful......
Stage 3 : Enzymes are almost completely gone.....
Bacteria, on the other hand, are living organisms that use organic wastes, such as fats & oils. as a food source. They seek out this organic matter and digest it into simpler compounds, basically CO2 & water, while, cycling more important nutrients, like nitrogen, phosphorus, & sulfur. Since bacteria are living, they can grow and reproduce rapidly when in the right environment. This environment is crucial to the life and growth of bacteria. In the right conditions bacteria will grow, continuously secreting enzymes specific to the substance they are trying to degrade. With continuous use of biological product, the bacteria will colonize to form what is known as "biofilm". This "biofilm" adheres to surfaces that organic matter clings to, such as pipe walls, building a defense against any future organic build up. All of this results in less maintenance for you and lower costs!
Stage 1 : A enzyme producing bacterial cleaner entering your pipes...
Stage 2 : Environmental conditions are favorable for growth....
Stage 3: Waste is degraded and bacterial colonies start to form...
So What Does ENVIRO-ZYME Use?:
Here at ENVIRO-ZYME, our customers deserve only the best. That's why we use 100% non-pathogenic, bacteria in our products. Through rigorous testing we have concluded that it is only through team work (both bacteria and enzymes together) that organic waste is most efficiently degraded. First the bacteria comes in contact with the food source, then it produces the necessary enzymes to break down the waste into simpler compounds, and finally the bacteria digest these simpler compounds to inert byproducts such as CO2 & water. The best part is that the "biofilm" that grows inside your system from regular use of bacterial products ensures that you will no longer be constantly troubled with costly maintenance procedures and build up.
Enzymes VS. Bacteria...and The Winner is...BOTH
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Restroom Maintenance
ENVIRO-ZYME has a lot to offer for Restroom Maintenance be it commercial or residential. Amongst all of our fabulous products we have one called DOC+ which cleans and deodorizes. DOC+ is great for cleaning floors, walls and urinals. You can apply DOC+ directly to urinals otherwise we recommend using it in your cleaning water for floors & walls. ENVIRO-ZYME also offers TRC+ blocks that clip inside toilet bowls to cut down on maintenance and leave a fresh clean bowl with every flush. TRC+ blocks usually last a month depending on restroom traffic & when their gone simply toss out the plastic clip and clip on a new one! If you have urinals you may be interested in our UR+ blocks. These urinal blocks are non-pCDB and contain powerful ingredients that break-up uric acid (the leading cause of urinal odor!). You can buy these in a pail with refill screens or blocks already in screens that can be put in and tossed out or refilled when the urinal puck is dissolved. Last but not least our GB2+ blocks are a great addition to any restroom. These gel-blocks contain activated carbon that adsorb bad odors and leave a fresh fragrance in their place. These blocks come in a variety of sizes to fit all your odor needs. Check us out today! You never know, you might find just what you were looking for.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Time is Runnin OUT!
Stop by before your time runs out to get 10% off your next purchase using the code JM10FREE when you check out! This sale is good on all purchases but only through September! We have a wide range of product to choose from. Good for all areas of your home, yard, restaurant or small business.
Monday, August 9, 2010
ENVIRO-ZYME Has All Your Pond Maintenance Needs!
ENVIRO-ZYME International has a complete line of chemical free pond maintenance products including; Blue Pond Dye, Ammonia Reducing Additive, Barley Straw, Microbe Activated Barley Straw, and Sludge Reducing Bacterial Additive. These 5 products can help maintain your lake or pond without harming people or aquatic animals.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Bad Summertime Smells Invading Your Home?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Topic: Lift Station Build up - Waste Type: Fats, Oils, Grease
These photos show the progression of a lift station that was habitually plagued by fats, oils, grease, and foul odors caused by them. By using ENVIRO-ZYME's "PC+" they were able to see results within just a few days. After one month of continuous use, the lift station was almost completely free of solids and the odors were gone!
The "PC+" is specially designed to degrade a wide range of fats, oils, and grease. Since the cube is produced using a much harder formula than other companies’ blocks, it is able to withstand much higher temperatures, extending the life of the product . This makes the "PC+" a very easy to use and cost effective product for lift station maintenance.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
PC+ Grease Interceptor Cubes for Hot Water Flow
ENVIRO-ZYME offers a solid bacterial block for larger grease traps and grease interceptors that handle hot water flows such as ones in conjunction with restaurants. These are solid bacterial blocks that slowly dissolve in hot water flow. As they dissolve they release "good" bacteria that degrade and digest the present grease and organic residue resulting in lowered grease disposal costs, maintenance fees, and odor reduction.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Grease Traps & Grease Interceptors -- What's the Difference?
Many people ask “What’s the difference between a Grease Trap and a Grease Interceptor”. Technically they perform the same job filtering the F.O.G (Fats, Oils, Grease) from the water that is washed into the sewer system the only real difference is the size and location. Usually Grease Traps are fitted to the plumbing inside a food service facility and they catch the F.O.G as it flows through the pipes. Most Grease Traps need to be cleaned weekly by removing the “lid”, skimming the grease off the top and scooping the solids from the bottom.
Grease Interceptors, on the other hand, are located outside the facility a few feet under the ground and are very large. All of the water wastes that come from the kitchen pass through the Interceptor before flowing into the city sewer system. Grease Interceptors are more efficient than Grease Traps and require monthly inspection and periodic cleaning. Grease Interceptors may be accessed from manhole covers located above ground usually a few feet from the building.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Organic Grease Digesting Floor Wash Great for Restaurants & Other Commercial Style Kitchens!
ENVIRO-ZYME International offers a safe alternative to chemically based floor cleaners. Our "GNS+" is made from 100% safe enzyme producing bacteria that have been specially selected for their grease digesting abilities. "GNS+" works well on kitchen floors where grease build up is an issue especially in restaurants where deep fryers and large griddles can spatter grease everywhere. "GNS+" also contains special ingredients that reduce the risk of slip which is always a concern when washing floors. A wide range of packaging options makes it easier for you to purchase the right amount for your specific application.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Multi-Purpose Biological Cleaner
When most people think of cleaning they think of harsh chemicals, hazardous vapors, rubber gloves and lots of scrubbing. We ENVIRO-ZYME would like to change the way you think of cleaning for good by introducing our 100% all natural, multi-purpose, biological cleaner. Our DOC+ is specially designed with "YOU" in mind. Derived from naturally occurring, non-pathogenic, enzyme producing bacteria & specially selected nutrients, our DOC+ is the toughest "green" cleaner on the market. Once applied to the soiled area, the bacteria contained in DOC+ are "activated" and begin digesting the organic material immediately. Whether it's dirt, grease, soap scum, mildew, lime, light rust, or hard water DOC+ degrades it all!
"The DOC+ cleans and deodorizes without leaving any harmful residues, making it especially desirable for families with pets and small children."
Batheroom Cleaner,
Natual Cleaners,
Monday, June 28, 2010
Ebay Options.....
ENVIRO-ZYME wants everyone to know we also sell some select products on Ebay! Check out our store today at to see all of our great offers. A few of our products listed there include urinal blocks, septic maintenance products & house hold cleaners. If you can't find what your looking for on there try our website .
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