Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Restroom Maintenance

ENVIRO-ZYME has a lot to offer for Restroom Maintenance be it commercial or residential. Amongst all of our fabulous products we have one called DOC+ which cleans and deodorizes. DOC+ is great for cleaning floors, walls and urinals. You can apply DOC+ directly to urinals otherwise we recommend using it in your cleaning water for floors & walls. ENVIRO-ZYME also offers TRC+ blocks that clip inside toilet bowls to cut down on maintenance and leave a fresh clean bowl with every flush. TRC+ blocks usually last a month depending on restroom traffic & when their gone simply toss out the plastic clip and clip on a new one! If you have urinals you may be interested in our UR+ blocks. These urinal blocks are non-pCDB and contain powerful ingredients that break-up uric acid (the leading cause of urinal odor!). You can buy these in a pail with refill screens or blocks already in screens that can be put in and tossed out or refilled when the urinal puck is dissolved. Last but not least our GB2+ blocks are a great addition to any restroom. These gel-blocks contain activated carbon that adsorb bad odors and leave a fresh fragrance in their place. These blocks come in a variety of sizes to fit all your odor needs. Check us out today! You never know, you might find just what you were looking for.

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