Thursday, July 1, 2010

Multi-Purpose Biological Cleaner

When most people think of cleaning they think of harsh chemicals, hazardous vapors, rubber gloves and lots of scrubbing. We ENVIRO-ZYME would like to change the way you think of cleaning for good by introducing our 100% all natural, multi-purpose, biological cleaner. Our DOC+ is specially designed with "YOU" in mind. Derived from naturally occurring, non-pathogenic, enzyme producing bacteria & specially selected nutrients, our DOC+ is the toughest "green" cleaner on the market. Once applied to the soiled area, the bacteria contained in DOC+ are "activated" and begin digesting the organic material immediately. Whether it's dirt, grease, soap scum, mildew, lime, light rust, or hard water DOC+ degrades it all!

"The DOC+ cleans and deodorizes without leaving any harmful residues, making it especially desirable for families with pets and small children."

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